Tech Blog

High gravity beer: what it is ...
High gravity beer plant is usually chosen by big producers. Technique is based on beer worth production, with a high plato grade, synonymous of higher alcohol content beer (compared to the common one). High gravity beer plant is placed at […]

Dry hop and hop back: hopping ...
A recent survey conducted by Unionbirrai confirms even for 2018 the positive trend of beers generously hopped. How to manage this phase in an effective and efficient way? Dry hop and hop back are designed to perform this function professionally […]

Automation for brewhouses: whe...
Doubtless brewhouse automation is an important cost item for breweries. When does this cost represent an absolutely advantageous investment? High number of beers produced, with consequent structure with three, four or five vessels. Constant quality of beer, with no variation […]

What is the best configuration...
Vessels number in a brewhouse depends mainly on one factor: the variability of beers to produce. As the number and types of beers to be produced grows, also the opportunity to realize brewhouses with a higher number of vessels is […]

Flexible beer plant to respond...
Craft beer market is in constant evolution, not only in terms of volumes. Classical styles, extreme beers, special beers. Pasteurized and non-pasteurized. Clear. Microfiltered, non-filtered. Often the customer of the distribution modifies the demand and concentration of the purchases. In […]

Brewhouses 20 HL: the right si...
Each entrepreneur and brewer need to define the right size of his brewhouse. How can you choose the best brewhouse? There are many approaches to answer this question. The business one can be the following. It seems that the best […]

Hygiene and sanitation in the ...
We know that the non-pasteurized, non-filtered and with a low alcoholic grade craft beer represent a product that risks the bacterial contamination. This is a risk that entrepreneurs and brewers cannot run. What are the main attentions in order […]

Brewhouses: why the automatic ...
The company sells trend, but not only, confirms us that always more often the craft breweries choose automatic solutions. Why? There are many reasons why lots of entrepreneurs and brewers choose automatic brewhouses. Some of them are: Automatic brewhouses grant […]

The worldwide craft beer trend...
Thanks to my experience as sales manager in Velo division, I have the occasion to know the most interesting characters of the craft beer world and to keep me informed about the trends. Here there are the most important ones: […]