Tech Blog


Jelly noodles? That’s how we do it!

In the range of products offered by Chemtech division there are Chemetator exchangers, specially designed for cooling and gelling of gelatin concentrate.

These machines allow us to produce, for each exchanger, up to 2.000 kg/h of noodles ready to be unloaded on the dryer belt, ground and subsequently packaged.

The Chemetator is offered in two variants. The simplest version consists of a Chemetator on a fixed base with extrusion tube and perforated plate “for the formation of noodles”; it can be equipped with a CIP plate to be mounted manually for the washing phases.

For maximum hygiene of the extrusion process, however, it is possible to mount the Chemetator on an oscillating base, unique in its kind, to deliver the noodles directly to the drying belt without intermediate transfers.

Based on the specific needs of the customer and the required productivity, on the same base can be mounted up to two Chemetators: the only Twin-oscillating system on the market.

Chemetator reaches the washing position by selecting a simple command on the operator panel. This permits to sanitize the line, outside the dryer belt, and a pneumatic plate is attached to the extruder head in order to proceed with the CIP phase. Chemtech is able to supply the complete line to feed the exchangers, from the hygienic high pressure pump, to the glycol refrigeration systems up to the automatic washing systems.

All systems are specially designed and adapted to the specific production and layout needs of the customer; thanks to the experience of TMCI Padovan, with its Chemtech division, we are the perfect partners for your gelatin production plant. Tell us the production target, we’ll take care of the rest!