What is the best configuration for my brewhouse? One, two, three, four or five vessels?
Vessels number in a brewhouse depends mainly on one factor: the variability of beers to produce.
As the number and types of beers to be produced grows, also the opportunity to realize brewhouses with a higher number of vessels is growing.
Five-vessels model
The most complex model, with five vessels, is complete with a mash vessel, a lauter tun for holding, called pre-run vessel, a boiling kettle and, in the end, a whirlpool tun.
This five-vessel structure is not only for industrial beer production. For example, beer producers who works for third parties needs to have smaller but more flexible volumes. A four or five vessels solution is convenient for their needs.
On the other hand, for producers with similar or smaller needs in terms of hl produced, focused on few varieties, the right choice is more compact brewhouse, one or two vessels types.
As the number of vessels grows, consequently the necessity of automation (to rule complexity and opportunities) is growing.